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A community college sponsored by Niagara County

© 2019 SUNY Niagara | All rights reserved.


A Message from President, William J. Murabito, Ph.D.

SUNY Niagara is ready to welcome you and support your efforts to improve the quality of your life through a vibrant education. Our website provides descriptions of SUNY Niagara’s programs and services and specific directions for your enrollment process. However, words on a page can’t adequately describe the intangible benefits that add to the reasons why SUNY Niagara is truly the “Smart Place to Start.”

SUNY Niagara has one focus—you. When you succeed, we succeed as a college and the community improves. A SUNY Niagara education opens the door to opportunities in the workforce or an easy transfer into four-year schools. We are committed to serving our community with programs, courses, services, and events that provide successful transfer, career preparation and workforce entry, college readiness, personal enrichment, and community programming.

We provide outstanding faculty teaching in classrooms equipped with up-to-date technology. Since our student to teacher ratio is approximately 17 to 1, you can expect personalized attention. The college experience extends beyond the traditional classroom and so SUNY Niagara continually looks for ways to improve the extra-curricular activities and support services offered to students. We offer a welcoming learning environment that is rich with diversity. ÌýWe provide all of this at a cost designed to allow access to higher education even for those who thought it would be impossible.

This website can only give you a quick glimpse of all that SUNY Niagara has to offer. Following your online visit, I invite you to spend time on our campus, tour our facilities, and discover all how SUNY Niagara can benefit you! Our faculty, staff, and students stand ready to share with you our excitement about being part of a very special college. I look forward to seeing you on campus in the near future.

Best regards,

Wm. J. Murabito, Ph.D.

Interim President, William J. Murabito, Ph.D.

Contact Us

Office of the President
3111 Saunders Settlement Road
Sanborn, NY 14132
Phone: 716-614-5902